PinnedPublished inAbout Me StoriesAbout Me — Diana Dolea“How can I accept a limited definable self when I feel, in me, all possibilities?… I never feel the four walls around the substance of the…Sep 8, 202320Sep 8, 202320
Published inLegados LiterariosCartas a Nin — Tus horas y las míasAmada amiga, es cierto: deseo abarcar todas mis horas, mas no las alcanzo porque el silencio me retiene y, por eso mismo, a nada contesto…Sep 8, 20243Sep 8, 20243
Published inLegados LiterariosCarta a la voz apagadapretendo escribir una carta a un voz apagada, ay. qué ocurrencia tan divertida. crear palabras desde… silencio. sucede justo lo que…Jul 29, 20242Jul 29, 20242
‘I delve into the pollen, the bark, the thorns […]’Oh, blissful glory, I find out the precious words of Elizabeth Schön thanks to Francisca P. It is all already written in Francisca’s…Jun 23, 20244Jun 23, 20244
on Mihai Eminescu’s own questions‘What are you looking for at night When moon is shining in the springs And where the birds in warble fight Flapping enchanted their…Jun 22, 20241Jun 22, 20241
Published inLegados LiterariosA mi alma o a toda alma,«Yo quiero entender, no creer. No debemos afirmar lo que no se logra demostrar. Quiero que Dios me tienda su mano, vuelva su rostro hacia…Jun 12, 20241Jun 12, 20241
precious giftsWhat a lovely welcome surprise! My parents gave me two books they recently bought in Romania — the poetry of Mihai Eminescu and the poetic…Jun 12, 20243Jun 12, 20243
‘And all the flowers that are in the world / bloomed to welcome their death.’I have found the book — oh yes, I finally have! El canto y la ceniza, a poetry collection by two remarkable Russian women poets […]Jun 9, 20241Jun 9, 20241
a dialogue with the selfLike every Sunday, I pass a few hours volunteering at a bookshop — that’s my most favourite time of the week, for sure.Jun 3, 20242Jun 3, 20242
peaceful and quiet resignationI dig through the library’s digital catalogue to get my hands on three books, but the ones my heart yearns for are not listed. I wonder…May 27, 20241May 27, 20241